
Notice: This complaints policy is a general translation. In case of any disputes, the Czech text available at and the relevant laws of the Czech Republic will prevail. 

Contact Details:

Valerie Cremonini
Company ID: 21780790
Phone: +420 724 076 146


This complaints procedure outlines the rules and processes for filing complaints regarding services provided by our company, including massages and related procedures. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and effectively resolve any issues that may arise.

Conditions for Filing a Complaint

You may file a complaint if:

  • You are not satisfied with the quality of the provided service.
  • There was a breach of the agreed time or price arrangement.
  • You encountered another issue related to the provided service.

Complaints must be submitted within 7 days of the service being provided.

III. Procedure for Filing a Complaint
Complaints can be filed in the following ways:

  • By email: Send an email to Include the service date, a description of the problem, and your contact details.

IV. Complaint Resolution
Resolution Time: Complaints will be processed within 14 days of receipt.
Possible Resolutions: We may offer the following solutions:

  • Refund the amount for the service.
  • Offer a free repeat service.
  • Provide an alternative compensation that matches the nature of the complaint.

V. Rights and Responsibilities
Client Responsibilities: The client must provide truthful information about the issue and cooperate in resolving the complaint.
Client Rights: The client has the right to a fair resolution of the complaint. If we cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, you may negotiate possible compensation or replacement with us.

VI. Exceptions and Limitations
Claims: Complaints will not be accepted if you fail to adhere to cancellation conditions or if issues are caused by the client's misconduct.
Limitations: Complaints do not apply to subjective perceptions of service effectiveness unless related to specific quality issues.

VII. Final Provisions
Changes: We reserve the right to amend this complaints procedure. We will inform you of any changes via our website.
Contact: For questions regarding this complaints procedure, you can contact us by email at or by phone at +420 724 076 146.

These terms come into effect on August 25, 2024.